of Mt. Rainier
Here are some
images from Josh, Michelle, John, Kevin and my climb of Mt. Rainier. You can read about this trip by clicking

This is what Rainier looks
like from Seattle. It's pretty big. Mt.
Rainier is about a three hour drive
from Seattle.

During the first day, we hiked from the parking lot
(at 5000') to our base camp called Muir camp (at 10,000'). This is Michelle standing outside of one of
our two tents at Muir.

Josh and Kevin getting cozy in the other tent.

The hike to the summit began at 1am. By the time the
daylight broke we were already pretty far up.
This is Adam with another mountain
(possible Mt. Adams?)
in the background.

Adam and Josh on
the summit (Mt. St. Helen's in the background).

Josh and Adam
looking pretty cold up at the summit where we all ate our lunch.

Back at Muir camp, John and Michelle are feeling
pretty good (Kevin behind them).

Adam and Josh, on
the otherhand, are exhausted.

Back at Paradise: the
parking lot.